Section outline

  • Learn Hillingdon - Adult Community Education is fully committed to ensuring that the needs of all learners are at the centre of everything we do. We will strive to ensure that all learners and staff work and learn in a safe and supportive environment. Personal safety is essential for effective and successful learning and can only be achieved in an environment which promotes well-being and security for everyone, especially those who may be vulnerable. We will ensure we are fully compliant with all relevant legislation; undertake appropriate checks; combat bullying, harassment and discrimination; and ensure that all its staff and volunteers are appropriately trained. 

    Learn Hillingdon also supports the Prevent Programme. Prevent is the UK Government's counter-terrorism strategy which aims to stop people being drawn into, or supporting, terrorism. All staff who work with young people or vulnerable adults have a duty to respond and report immediately any signs of harm, abuse or extremism that are recognised or disclosed. 

    If you as a learner or staff member recognise anything that you consider might risk your or anybody else's safety, you are strongly encouraged to report it to a Designated Safeguarding Officer as soon as possible.